Thursday, April 25, 2013

Super Friends .... of Inuyasha

The group begins to grow as Kagome and Inuyasha continue their search for the Shikon Jewel Shards.  A orphaned fox demon named Shippo(七宝, "The Seven Treasures"), who can use his abilities to create tricky illusions, thinks himself Kagome's chivalrous protector from Inuyasha's rude and crude nature. A perverted monk named Miroku(弥勒, "Maitreya", the supposed next Buddha) suffers from a family curse from a powerful demon that allows him to absorb anything into his hand via a magical "Wind Tunnel", that will eventually consume Miroku himself.  Miroku is HYSTERICAL as he always tries to lure women in to his arms and bed, but is secretly in love with a beautiful young woman named Sango(珊瑚, さんご, "Coral"), a demon hunter whose tribe was all killed by a demon.  She also rides a demon cat named Kirara (who can change sizes from small house cat to grizzle bear-esk size) and uses a large boomerang as her main weapon.  This is the main group that travels through the remainder of the series.
Additionally, there are characters that come in and out during the series.  There is Koga ((鋼牙, "Steel Fang"), leader of the wolf demon tribe that is almost entirely wiped out by Naraku.  He was originally introduced as a rival to Inuyasha and falls in love with Kagome, but eventually becomes a strong ally.  Totosai (刀々斎, "Tōtōsai", "sword ceremony-preparer") is a master demon blacksmith that repairs and strengthens Inuyasha's sword Tetsaiga.  Myoga (冥加, Divine Protection) is a flea demon and former servant of Inuyasha's father who looks after Inuyasha and provides important information throughout the show, though like Miroku, he is also a raging pervert and a chicken, who always seems to disappear whenever danger is imminent.  His name "Devine Protector" is a bit of a laugh because of the fact that he is always running away, but he also saves the group on more than 1 occasion.

Monday, April 1, 2013


Kagome                                                            Inuyasha                                                     Sesshomaru                                                                                      
My introduction to anime and quite possibly the reason I am as crazy about it today begins with "Inuyasha".  One of the more popular animes on late night television, is a story about a half dog demon (Inuyasha), who falls in love with a High Priestess (Kikyo) during Japan's Feudal Era, who decides to give up his evil ways for the woman he loves.  Inuyasha is a head strong, boorish, yet somehow kind, demon who has made it his goal in life to become a full demon so that he can be respected by his demon brethren.   While Kikyo is a polite, overly serious High Preistess whose job it is to look over and , if need be, give her life to protect the sacred "Shikon Jewel" which is said to make the pure of heart a powerful warrior for the righteous, or any demon strong beyond his wildest imagination, or in Inuyasha's case make him a FULL demon.  However when a sick man also falls for the High Priestess and finds that he cannot have her, he allows a demon (Naraku)  to inhabit his body in order to get revenge on both Kikyo and Inuyasha.  Kikyo is tricked and wounded by a false Inuyasha who seems to have gone back on his promise, and Inuyasha is similarly tricked and decides to take revenge in the form of stealing the Shikon Jewel.  While attempting to steal the jewel Kikyo shoots Inuyasha with a sacred arrow to a "magic tree" of sorts which ends up not killing him and merely leaving him in an eternal slumber until someone removes the arrow (a sort of Sleeping Beauty story).
Enter Kagome, a modern day Japanese school girl whose family looks after the aforementioned shrine.  She appears to be a typical popular High School student with a crush on a handsome boy, has a group of nosey girlfriends,  and a family that tries to get her to strive to be her best and learn about their shrine.  One day, however, Kagome slips and falls into the shrines well and rather than hit the bottom she falls through time and back into the Feudal Era some 50 years after we left Inuyasha and Kikyo's story.  Kikyo has died from the wounds she suffered and her sister (Kaede)  has become the High Priestess of the Shrine.  While exploring this strange new world Kagome comes across our Prince, not so, Charming, Inuyasha, who seems to have been untouched by time (though covered in overgrowth).  Kagome, not knowing what had transpired removes the arrow holding Inuyasha in place essentially freeing him from his eternal sleep.  Not knowing what has happened or how much time has passed Inuyasha attempts to start where he left off by once again stealing the Shikon Jewel.
A series of events passes that leads to the eventual discovery that Kagome, the seemingly run of the mill school girl, is actually the reincarnation of Sister Kikyo and can harness the same powers of light.  Inuyasha loses control of the jewel and it falls into the hands of another demon who also loses it and an evil looking crow begins to fly away with the jewel, and rather than let any of these strange creatures have it, Kagome attempts to shoot down the crow, but instead makes a miraculous (seemingly impossible) shot with an arrow infused with her new found power that shatters the Shikon Jewel and scatters it across the world.
Having seen all of these events transpire, Kaede gets it in her mind that Kagome (who seems to make the shards react any time she is near them), needs to team up with Inuyasha to collect and reconstruct the Shikon Jewel.  Inuyasha being an untrustworthy demon is "leashed"  with an enchanted necklace that lets Kagome shout the instantly classic phrase "SIT BOY" and Inuyasha is yanked to the ground. And since Inuyasha and Kagome seem to butt heads at almost every turn, this becomes more of a safety measure and more of a teenaged girl's, who cannot admit her own feelings, tool to vent frustration.
Soon after they begin their adventure it becomes semi-apparent that Inuyasha is at a distinct dis-advantage to other demons because while his father was, of course, the MOST POWERFUL DEMON OF ALL TIME, his mother was merely a human whose beauty and temperament calmed the mind of a ferocious demon and allowed him to love (leading one to believe that the nut doesn't fall far from the proverbial tree).  It is because of these dis-advantage that Inuyasha and Kagome travel to the resting place of Inuyasha's father in order to obtain the "Tetsusaiga", supposedly the most powerful sword in the world that was forged from one of the fangs of Inuyasha's father.  The two must travel inside Inuyasha's father, who is more or less the size of a mountain, where they are forced to confront what is easily the coolest character in this series.
Sesshomaru, first born son of " Inu no Taisho" (The Lord of Dogs), the full blooded half brother of Inuyasha, and arguably the single most powerful demon alive, believes that he is the rightful Heir to the Tetsusaiga.  Sesshomaru hates his, so called, half brother, thinking that his human mother makes him basically worthless, and certainly not a true brother to the Great Lord Sesshomaru.   The two brothers have a standard sweet-awesome demon fight that ends in the eventual discovery that Sesshomaru can in fact, not wield Tetsusaiga, and the subsequent removal of Sesshomaru's right arm.